How do figure out what to do next?  I’m bored at my job, but grateful I have a job.  I’ve been a mom since I was 15 years old, every since then I’ve raised children.  My passion is caring for people, but what about me?  What do I like? I’m currently 38 getting ready to turn 39 next month.  Do I seek for things that spark my interest, do I continue my education, or do I follow my passion by trying to write a book and start painting?  Am I going through a mid-life crisis?

Alcohol and cigarettes

Cause so many deaths every year and create millions and millions in medical expenses.  Why are they legal? I’ll tell you, it’s to keep people sick and the in the hospital.  Marijuana on the other hand will only lead you to the refrigerator or the corner store to purchase skittles.


Can someone please tell me where I can pick up a current copy of a parent handbook on how to raise the perfect child?  I am a mother of five sons and my 21 year old has been in and out of trouble since the age of 12.  My husband and I have tried everything from a-z to help him and now we can’t do anything to help his current situation.  I know he is “grown” but he is still my little fella.  I’m having a very hard time digesting the fact that it could be 10 years before I lay eyes on my second born son again.


I was driving in back of a pick up truck with a sticker that read “Trump”. This was no ordinary bumper sticker, it was decorated in the confederate flag and I had to explain to my 9 year old son why someone in today’s world still show support for the confederate flag.  How am I …a Black woman suppose to do that without sounding racist?  I’ll tell you’ I simply said, “son it is one of your constitutional rights to support whatever you would like”.  Is it right?  Unknown . Should we have to deal with it? No.  But I would rather know that someone didn’t like me vs someone pretending to like me and me not knowing.

Son: Why is he able to try and run the world he doesn’t like black people?

Me: It’s the world we live in son

Son: How? Remember all of the important things that Black people have done for White people?

Me: I sure do son, I sure do

Son: Can you tell me again why we should do anything or like white people if that’s how they want to treat us?  We should make a sticker to show that we hate white people.

Me: Silent…….After a few minutes of trying to figure out what to say….Because not all white people are bad and if we did that, that would make us just like them.

Son: It’s just not fair Ma

Black people

There is a time that we all must open our eyes and see the light.  We must learn our true history not “His-story”.  Dating back some thousands of years ago we were  only told what things to keep us obedient and afraid of our masters.  Have you ever stopped to think why?  the answer is because they were afraid of us and if we unite and stand together they will fear the limitless possibilities that we can overcome.  We will no longer be on the bottom of the food chain, as we will take our rightful place in society.  We must start with the children and teach them where we came from and who we are suppose to be.  No more Niggas and Bitches, let’s return to Kings and Queens.


I’m thankful for being blessed with children and grand-children.  I’m thankful for the ability to love and have a peaceful mindset. I’m thankful for the awakening that is taking place in my soul. What are you thankful for?


At what point in life does one find peace and a purpose?  What if you don’t have a dream of your happy ending? What if your stuck in no man’s land? How do you find your way?  What’s the best way to start? Following your heart doesn’t always work, sometimes it can make things worse. Blah, Blah, Blah………LIFE!!


This is for my black brother’s and sister’s……Just like many of us, I was raised up on the power of “Christ” our savior, but lately my eyes have been opened to new information regarding who “God” is.  Don’t get me wrong I know there is definitely a higher power, but I’m confused.  If “Jesus” was introduced/given to us to teach us obedience during slavery, who did we call upon and or pray to before “Jesus” and why don’t we hear about it?

I responded to a post on Facebook asking who are black people suppose to pray to and the answer was “Heru”. I’ve never heard this name in my entire 38 years of life, yet it intrigued me to do a little digging.  The information that I’ve found is wonderful and eye opening, but my questions are……Do I start to worship this God?  Will I be punished for putting another God before this one? Where can I go to gain the knowledge that I desire?


“I don’t pay taxes, I’m smart”.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but if he isn’t paying taxes doesn’t that make him a unpatriotic crook?  Shouldn’t he be disqualified?  I don’t know everything about politics and the government, but I do know that if i don’t pay my taxes the IRS will come after me.  Why is it different for him?